1 in 42 women in Kenya die during childbirth. In Mogotio and Rongai SubCounty where Dandelion works, 6 out of every 10 women in deliver their babies at home, and this is risky for the mother and baby. The cultural setback and lack of facilities contribute to the number of maternal and infant mortality in the area. Primary healthcare is the greatest need of women and girls in our community. In rural Kenya, 70% of women and children lack access to appropriate primary healthcare.
The Dandelion Medical Centre is a cross-border facility serving communities in Mogotio and Rongai and is at the heart of a marginalized community offering quality primary health services where it is needed the most.
Our Backpack Nurse reaches 50 different villages monthly, through nurses on motorbikes who take Maternal Child Health Services, door to door and through our 50 Dandelion safe spaces.
Every woman deserves to choose and decide on the number of children she wants. Our research shows that 70% of women local to Dandelion Africa have unmet needs for family planning.
Imagine a woman in rural areas, living her whole life never knowing what her potential would have been, Dandelion Africa is determined to change the economic status of women and girls in Rural areas.
A diverse array of impacts has been hitting the rural areas, including increasing water scarcity, erratic and unreliable rainfall, more frequent and severe droughts and the disappearance of animal and plant species. Rural women are often the ones who know first, before anyone else, how climate change is affecting their communities
Empowering and strengthening grassroots women and girls to get involved in responding to climate change is a core focus of Dandelion Africa. We do this by ensuring women have access to clean water by providing Water tanks from 3000 litres to 10,000 per household
This project focuses on creating an integrated, environmentally sound, safe, and economically sustainable smart agricultural production system through the practice of organic farming by women living in rural communities.
In our Women Livelihoods programs, we train women from rural areas to save and borrow their own money (table banking) and start small businesses for self-sustainability. Women in rural, marginalized areas, are trained on business skills, climate change mitigation through water projects, smart farming, health, especially Family Planning and elimination of Gender Based Violence through their groups. i
Adolescents comprise 24.5% of Kenya’s 47.6 million total population. This segment of the population is at high risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS while female adolescents face the additional risk of early pregnancy, unsafe abortion and female genital mutilation . In Kenya, the age of sexual debut is low; 47% of young women and 55% of young men between the ages of 18–24 years reported sexual intercourse before the age of 18 years. Consequently, pregnancy among adolescents aged 15–19 years continues to be a significant problem in rural Kenya, with a teenage pregnancy rate of 18% and an adolescent birth rate of 96 per 1,000 women.
We have constructed a Youth Centre with a Community Library, Village ICT hub and a Youth Sexual Reproduction Clinic for youth aged 10 to 19 years. This is a safe space where young people can have their own space to learn, be health and get mentorship.
We have constructed a Youth Centre with a Community Library, Village ICT hub and a Youth Sexual Reproduction Clinic for youth aged 10 to 19 years. This is a safe space where young people can have their own space to learn, be health and get mentorship.
This program works with over 5000 boys and men through meaningful engagement in advancing gender equity and equality. The program is necessary not only for the empowerment of women and girls, but also to transform the social and gender norms that reinforce patriarchy and inequality that harm women and girls
Girls for Leaders program works with 65 schools and over 6500 girls; in communities that practice Female Genital Cutting and early marriage. This program addresses cultural and logistical impediments to girls’ education to increase their probability of staying in school.
45% of women and girls aged 15 to 49 have experienced physical violence and 14% have experienced sexual violence. Many cases are not reported to authorities and few women get justice or receive medical care. Two in ten girls have undergone Female Genital Mutilation which has negative impact on girls’ education, with only 43% transit to high school in Arid and Semi arid areas of Kenya where Dandelion works.
By training men, village elders and the administration systems on identifying, responding and prosecuting cases of GBV, we are creating more awareness of the effects of GBV at the community level and reducing the stigma around reporting GBV at the community level.
The advocacy program aims to increase awareness and responsiveness by the community and stakeholders on Gender-Based Violence against women and men in Baringo, Nakuru and Narok County.