Improving health and livelihoods for women in rural Kenya Donate Now
Insufficient healthcare is often due to poor education & infrastructure Donate Now
We are deeply embedded in our communities Donate Now

Our Vision

We want a world where communities live healthy and educated lives.

Our Values

  • Innovative

  • Transparent

  • People-focused

  • Trustworthy

Our Mission

Improving health and livelihoods for women in rural Kenya.

About Us

Dandelion Africa is a Kenyan, Women – led NGO focused on women’s health and economic empowerment. We work in the rural areas of Nakuru, Baringo, Kajiado and Narok counties in Kenya.

Health Program

Primary healthcare is the greatest need of women and girls in our community. In rural Kenya, 70% of women and children lack access.

Women's Livelihoods

Women in rural areas live their whole life never knowing what their potential could have been, we are determined to change their economic status.

Youth Program

70% of Youth in and out of school In Kenya face challenges in accessing education and reproductive health services.

Advocacy Program

45% of women and girls aged 15 to 49 have experienced physical violence and 14% have experienced sexual violence.

About Dandelion Africa

We are rooted in our communities

Our promise that your giving is doing what it’s supposed to - changing lives.
In rural Kenya, 70% of women and children lack access to appropriate primary healthcare. On average, there are 500,000 maternal deaths in the country each year because of poor access to reproductive healthcare and infrastructure. And we know that 40% of rural Kenyans live in poverty compared to 28% in urban areas. Dandelion Africa is determined to change the health and economic outcomes for women in rural Kenya. It is a matter of life and death that simply cannot wait.

“My capacity has been built, and I must therefore build the capacity of others.”

“I came into contact with Dandelion Africa after being introduced by my two friends, Margret and Emma, who are members of women groups that have been working with Dandelion for over 4 years. I had mobilized a group of 20 people, we called ourselves, Tegat Disabled Group, we wanted our members who were differently abled, to be transformed the way Margaret and Emmas group had been”. - Rose Nerea Achieng

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

+(254) 712 414165

Sarambei, next to Sarambei Primary School, Nakuru, Kenya 


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