Climate Mitigation

Climate change threatens to lock poor people and women in particular in a vicious cycle of poverty. With multi-dimensional roles as mothers, providers and often heads of household, women in rural areas of Kenya are also most often the managers of local on-the-ground natural resources. This is especially true for rural women farmers because of their reliance on nature and nature-based income sources. Women who are farmers in our rural areas often hold the key to food security in the region.

A diverse array of impacts has been hitting the rural areas, including increasing water scarcity, erratic and unreliable rainfall, more frequent and severe droughts and disappearance of animal and plant species. Rural women  are often the ones who know first, before anyone else, how climate change is affecting their communities. 

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+(254) 712 414165

Sarambei, next to Sarambei Primary School, Nakuru, Kenya 


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